Use "men are born to suffer|man be bear to suffer" in a sentence

1. Alas, we are born to suffer.

2. Women are twice as likely to suffer from specific phobias than men.

3. I want the Man of Steel to suffer.

4. The men often fall ill and suffer fever.

5. ANSWER: As a sinless man, Jesus did not deserve to suffer.

6. Men sometimes suffer from impotence after a serious illness.

7. 16 The bad man will suffer eternal damnation.

8. Suffer from vaginitis, should be treated to those hospitals?

9. Bear the Brunt (of something) To suffer the worst part of an unpleasant or problematic situation

10. to suffer for one's wisdom.

11. Money but also to suffer.

12. To be long-suffering does not simply mean to suffer long.

13. Man will suffer many disappointments in his quest for truth.

14. " The poor are first to suffer, but also first to help. "

15. Units may suffer battle Afflictions when they suffer damage

16. You want to see me suffer.

17. Antacids are prescribed to people who suffer from acidity problems

18. Slanderers will suffer calamity at the hands of “a mighty man.”

19. Our men suffer in furs and metal under the South China sun.

20. Sometimes you have to suffer the painfulness .

21. To perceive is to suffer. Aristotle 

22. She started to suffer from dizzy spells .

23. He began to suffer from dizzy spells .

24. About 1 percent of men suffer from Azoospermia and about 10 to 15 percent of infertile men have zero sperm count.

25. Suffer a stroke.

26. Bear to give birth to: Bear a child; to suffer; endure; undergo: Bear the blame; to bring: Bear gifts; to render; afford; give: Bear witness, Bear testimony; an animal: a polar Bear Not to be confused with: bare – unadorned, plain: Tell me the bare facts.; naked; without covering or clothing: bare midriff; scarcely sufficient: the bare necessities

27. He's not one to suffer in silence !

28. Maybe you won`t be so immune to seeing your friend suffer.

29. Are Christians expected to suffer in silence and refuse to seek legal protection?

30. If you suffer from constipation, perhaps you are clinging to the past?

31. But what about patients who are apparently fit and healthy until they suffer a massive exposure to toxic man-made chemicals?

32. Did she suffer?

33. As a verb Anguish is to suffer pain.

34. Yet Jehovah allowed Jesus to suffer so much.

35. Will you suffer me to go with you?

36. I don't want you to suffer with me.

37. I don't want you to suffer with me

38. Eventually even their economic predominance was to suffer.

39. Whoever did this to her... is going to suffer.

40. The prophet could not bear the thought that reproach would be cast on God’s name if He were to allow this kind and hospitable woman to suffer further.

41. People who suffer from allergies can sometimes be injections to help desensitize them.

42. Why do we suffer?

43. I suffer from corns.

44. The people who suffer most are those who can least Afford to lose

45. Cars are tested to see how much damage they suffer in simulated crashes.

46. You're going to suffer the wrath of Gru!

47. Employment performance can suffer.

48. All populations would be expected to suffer to some degree by deteriorating winter weather conditions.

49. You suffer, you are hungry and thirsty; you are welcome.

50. I suffer from halitosis.

51. As yet the only people to suffer from this setback are the investors.

52. Let's make him suffer.

53. Suffer from heart disease.

54. Asthmatic definition: People who suffer from asthma are sometimes referred to as Asthmatics

55. Definition of Afflict (verb): be Afflicted by: suffer from

56. I know a Bajillion ways to make you suffer!

57. ‘there are people who suffer Appallingly all the time’

58. 18 Thou shalt not suffer a murderer to live.

59. I didn't want Barry to suffer the same fate.

60. It makes my heart ache to see her suffer.

61. No one should have to suffer such degrading treatment.

62. He prefers to suffer quietly through the periodic flaps.

63. Balletomanes suffer from balletomania

64. If you do suffer from clinical depression, there is nothing to be ashamed of.

65. Outsiders will continue to suffer the most blatant discrimination.

66. Their economy continued to suffer shortages in raw materials.

67. But the women continue to suffer a degrading subjugation.

68. He said, “I have learned to suffer with joy.

69. 21 It is wicked to make other people suffer.

70. He who fears to suffer, suffers from fear. 

71. Most students suffer from exam nerves to some extent.

72. I used to be able to stay up all night and suffer no ill effects whatsoever.

73. “Most kids who suffer a trauma are not brought to the doctor,” says Dr.

74. Ache: [verb] to suffer a usually dull persistent pain

75. But predators shouldn't have to suffer for my mistakes.

76. For this reason, people who are allergic to horses are more likely to suffer an allergic reaction to antivenom.

77. Do you suffer from migraine?

78. As a verb Angst is (informal) to suffer Angst; to fret.

79. People who suffer from Agitated …

80. I suffer from dizzy spells .